Practice Areas

Business Law

If you are an entrepreneur and you decide to purchase one of our “prepaid plans,” Piesciorovsky & Asoc. Will arrange to meet your company to form a coherent reality of their needs, offering the service of drafting codes of Labor Behavior Rules, which legal level generated due responsibility at work by the worker to avoid catastrophic results and cushion that can generate different work situations.

Moreover, it will have a team prepared to review its contracts with third parties to strengthen relations with its contractors, showing there an image of seriousness and consistency against players in their bilateral agreements.

Because of academic preparation it is apt to mention that Dr. Andrew Piesciorovsky has taken the subject Business Association with Prof. James Cox, Duke School of Law, Duke University in 2014, in Durham, North Carolina, USA.

Billing, flexible mechanical to suit the training of its provisions, such as offer: fee for service, fee fixed clearing fee, billing time value per unit of services at best, or a particular client can combine any of these methodologies without prejudice to understand that you can always innovate to customer requirements and more real to their needs.

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