Practice Areas

Labor Law

Piesciorovsky & Asoc., Protects your rights as a worker because we know the minimum and in detail the fees in a working relationship. Our task is to the contrary, judges, clerks or conciliation with a strong and clear representation of the defense of their rights.

Piesciorovsky & Asoc. Understands that in the work and in life, countless accidents or carelessness at the expense of the worker, in this sense we have a way of dealing with cases on the basis of reasonableness applied to each particular case may occur.

Using all legal tools that make the opportunity to be compensated, we seek to resolve your case in a smart and convenient way to personal, family and work interests.

In this branch we have a development academically updated and with a large percentage of development based on the amount of finished processes, processed and stage prior proof construction, always working on the basis of those already are a brand like innovation and perseverance.

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